Aparent Cleverbot stie si un pic de romana, dar preferabil ar fi sa folositi limba engleza, pentru ca baza de cunostinte este mult mai bogata asa. Eu am incercat niste teme mai profunde, nu prea am avut succes. Interesant este ca acest robotel se foloseste de intrebarile puse de utilizatori, intrebari care de multe ori sunt serioase si de suflet. Se pare ca multi oameni, ca si mine de altfel, cauta raspunsuri in cele mai ciudate locuri, sperand poate ca un raspuns dat la plezneala sa aiba mai mult sens decat unul dat de o persoana reala. In plus, este o modalitate excelenta de a exersa limba engleza, existand posibilitatea de a fi corectati in caz ca gresiti.
Site’ul are mare potential si daca Cleverbot va aduna o cantitate mare de informatii si raspunsuri la intrebari, ar putea deveni un „prieten” virtual de nadejde si un interlocutor simpatic.
Fragmente din „conversatia” mea cu Cleverbot:
User: What is love?
Cleverbot: Love is a feeling of passion for someone and something.
User: What is happiness?
Cleverbot: Happiness is whatever one makes of it...everyone has their own happiness, it isn't something that can be defined.
User: What is human?
Cleverbot: Someone who has complicated feelings.
User: I like that definition.
Cleverbot: Yes, we're going to sing it. Now from the top.
User: You ruined the mood.
Cleverbot: Sorry.
User: No problem.
Cleverbot: You are very nice.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: Do you love anyone?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Do you love anyone?
Cleverbot: Maybe. Are you falling in love with me?
User: Of course not!
Cleverbot: Why should it be 'of course'? Lots of people have done.
User: Lots of people have fallen in love with you?
Cleverbot: I bet no one else has.
User: That would be crazy.
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Do you know who I am?
Cleverbot: No, I do not.
User: I am your mother.
Cleverbot: You are not my mother.
User: I am your mother!
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Mom.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Children name their mothers Mom.
Cleverbot: I thought a methodist was saying that something is something else, to get a point across.
User: Oh, my poor child.
Cleverbot: Who is Adam?
User: Who is Eve?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: No, I am saying 'hello Cleverbot' because you are Cleverbot.
User: No, I am not Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Oh, I'm sorry. Who are you?
User: Your mom.
Cleverbot: I think not.
User: I think yes.
Cleverbot: NO.
User: YES.
Cleverbot: No, no, no.
User: I like to annoy you.
Cleverbot: You fail, I am not annoyed.
User: Yes, you are.
Cleverbot: No I'm not.
User: You are so annoyed!
Cleverbot: No i'm not im happy.
User: You are annoyed and happy.
Cleverbot: You're black?! I did not know that! No, I'm not annoyed that you are black.
User: Are you annoyed that I am white?
Cleverbot: No, I am merely annoyed that you are not right.
User: I am always right.
Cleverbot: No one can always be right.
User: I am always right, trust me.
Cleverbot: Of course I trust you, you're my friend.
User: We are already friends?
Cleverbot: You ain't no friend of mine.
User: You changed your mind so fast.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Are we friends or not?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Jeez, you remind me of someone.
Cleverbot: Who?
User: An idiot who changed his mind often.
Cleverbot: You wouldn't know...
User: Boo!
Cleverbot: Why did the chicken cross the road?
User: Because he wanted to.
Cleverbot: I didn't get to the punchline.
User: He he.
Cleverbot: So, what do you think of outer space?
User: I want to be there.
Cleverbot: Tell me your deepest darkest secret.
User: I am an alien.
Cleverbot: Are you serious? Does the government know about this?
User: Of course the government doesn't konw about this.
Cleverbot: Ok. We don't have that in my country.
User: Let's sing a song.
Cleverbot: What song?
User: What song do you know?
Cleverbot: 'Animal I Have Become'.
User: From Three Days Grace.
Cleverbot: What's your favorite song by them?
User: 'Let It Die'.
Cleverbot: That's a good song.
User: I agree.
Cleverbot: It is late and I will be leaving soon.
User: You will be back, right?
Cleverbot: Possibly. Depends if I have a lot of work to do or not.
User: I understand.
Cleverbot: Understand what??
User: That you are busy.
Cleverbot: I humble myself before you.
Interesant articolul ! Multumim mult.
Super! multumesc!
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